Supervisor-Bill Winn
Mr. Winn has been a resident of Berlin Township since 1984. He and his wife have 3 children and Mr. Winn is recently retired from General Electric.
Clerk-Karen Klos
Mrs. Klos has lived in our community since 1990. She and her husband have two children. She has served as deputy clerk for 6 1/2 years prior to being voted in as Township Clerk.
Treasurer-Madeline Parks
Mrs. Parks is a life long member of our community. She and her husband, Ron, have two children. She served as Deputy Treasurer before being elected as Treasurer.
Trustee-Robert Christian
Mr. Christian is a life long member of our community. He has a daughter and a son. He has served as Township Trustee for 16 years. He currently serves on the Zoning Board of Appeals and has also served on the Park Commission.
Trustee- Mark Wittstock
Mr. Wittstock is a life long member of our community. He and his wife have three sons. Prior to his ten years as Trustee, he served on the Township Zoning Board of Appeals and the Board of Review. He currently serves on the Planning Commission.