2024, September 9 Township Board Meeting Minutes
September 9, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Supervisor, Bill Winn. Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Introduction of board members: Treasurer, Madeline Parks; Clerk, Karen Klos; Supervisor, Bill Winn; Trustee Robert Christian and Trustee, Mark Wittstock. Thirteen audience members.
Motion to approve the August 12th board meeting minutes as presented made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. All in favor, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Treasurer’s report given by Treasurer Parks and accepted as read.
Fire Department report given by Chief Kirkum: they had 13 runs in August; their Open House will be 10/13 (11am – 3pm) with a Fire Safety Smoke House, medical helicopter and bounce house (and more); 2 of the new laptops are in; they have class tomorrow for computer training and the Lucas machine is up and working.
Planning Commission report given by Trustee Wittstock: they had no audience and there was nothing on the agenda.
Zoning Board of Appeals: they need to keep and approve minutes and turn them in to the Clerk once they are approved.
Senior report: Exercise every Monday at 11am and cards every Tuesday at noon. Potluck was 8/27 (34 attendees) and the next one is 9/24.
Park report: the removal of the playground equipment starts tomorrow and the Halloween Party is 10/13 (11am – 3pm) – there will be crafts, games, pumpkins to carve/decorate and hayrides (weather permitting).
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that he had a request to overlay asphalt on Pytleski Drive. We could use Road Assistance monies to cover $50k of the $100k cost. Motion to have the overlay done and use Road Assistance monies as mentioned made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that the board needs to decide what to do with the remaining ARPA monies – he needs to turn in plans by the end of the calendar year. He suggests using some it for replacing the pumps at the lagoon site ($30k), re-doing the basketball courts and adding a pickle ball court.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that he would like approval to put a new driveway at WB cemetery at the north end – a 12’ wide driveway would cost $16.8k. Motion to put in the new driveway made by Clerk Klos and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed. He also mentioned that he will have tree trimming done at EB cemetery, as it is bad by the driveways.
Christian: Asked about paved private road (because of maintenance cost) – township only has the one and no more will be approved.
Wittstock: Nothing further.
Parks: Had a resident complain about the noise from the bar – there is nothing the township can do about it.
Klos: Mentioned that absentee ballots will be going out in the next week or two.
Winn: Mentioned that landscaping is being looked into, that there are some repairs that need to be done at the fire station and senior center, that the generator at the fire station needs repair (tomorrow) and that the diesel shop issues are ongoing and are being addressed.
Audience: Question about drainage into his yard (water never goes away anymore) from an audience member – he started having lots of water issues when the Belle River was worked on about 5 years ago. Supervisor Winn will get with the Road Commission Engineer to have him look into it and address it.
Motion to pay the bills made by Trustee Wittstock and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Motion to adjourn the September board meeting made by Clerk Klos and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. All in favor, 5 ayes – motion passed. Meeting adjourned 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen A. Klos, Clerk