2024, October 14 Township Board Meeting Minutes
October 14, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Supervisor, Bill Winn. Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Introduction of board members: Treasurer, Madeline Parks; Supervisor, Bill Winn; Trustee Robert Christian and Trustee, Mark Wittstock. Clerk, Karen Klos was absent. Eight audience members.
Motion to approve the September 9th board meeting minutes as presented made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. All in favor, 4 ayes – motion passed.
Treasurer’s report given by Treasurer Parks and accepted as read.
Fire Department report given by Chief Kirkum: they had 14 runs in September and Open House went well. Lieutenant Cackowski has been talking to the local business owners about installing Knox Boxes on their buildings – he has gotten very positive feedback. The property owner would install a special box on their building (at their cost) and the fire department would install a securement system for the master keys they keep on their R-2 and E-1vehicles. Motion to allow to spend $2,228.00 for the Knox Box system to be installed made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. Roll call vote, 4 ayes – motion passed.
Planning Commission report given by Trustee Wittstock: they approved one split on Gould Road.
Senior report: Exercise every Monday at 11am and cards every Tuesday at noon. Potluck was 9/24 (36 attendees) and the next one is 10/22.
Park report: the Halloween party went well.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that we will be applying for $50k in Road Assistance for 2025 (township match amount will be $50k) – all of it will be used for overlay asphalt on Pytleski Drive. With that, the board needs to approve Resolution 2024-08 (Resolution Requesting Local Road System Funding Assistance from St. Clair County Road Commission). Motion to approve Resolution 2024-08 as presented made by Trustee Wittstock and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. Roll call vote, 4 ayes – motion passed.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that he has invoices from the St. Clair County Road Commission for road ends that have been completed but has questions about the billings. He asked for the approval to pay these invoices once these invoices are corrected. Motion to pay these invoices once corrected made by Trustee Wittstock and 2nd by Treasurer Parks. Roll call vote, 4 ayes – motion passed.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that he received an invoice for $11,800 from Yard Services for removing the play equipment, installing drain tile and adding 250 yds of sand. He had previously received another quote around $27k just for removing the equipment – so, Yard Services saved the township up to $16k by doing this work for us.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that, during a recent storm, there was damage to the church next to the West Berlin cemetery from a tree falling down. He received a $3,800 quote from James Hill Construction to repair the gutter, hand rail and spindles – and to patch the roof. He will turn the quote over to the township’s insurance company.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned he has received two quotes for a new copy machine so far. He is working to get another quote and will bring it back to the board next month.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned the remainder of the ARPA monies needs to be allocated by the end of 2024.
Christian: Mentioned the light on Hough is finally working but the light on E. Church is not working. Asked about the well at West Berlin Cemetery getting fixed.
Wittstock: Nothing further.
Parks: Nothing further.
Klos: In the absence of Clerk, Deputy mentioned that the election workers on the worker schedule need to be approved as presented – so moved.
Winn: Mentioned that the new door opening in the storage room to the park storage area is done.
Audience: Question about what can be done with the speeding traffic and accidents on Capac Road were discussed.
Motion to pay the bills made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. Roll call vote, 4 ayes – motion passed.
Motion to adjourn the October board meeting made by Trustee Wittstock and 2nd by Treasurer Parks. All in favor, 4 ayes – motion passed. Meeting adjourned 8:20pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Dzieszkowski, Deputy Clerk