2024, July 8 Township Board Meeting Minutes
July 8, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:30pm by Supervisor, Bill Winn. Pledge of Allegiance recited.
Introduction of board members: Treasurer, Madeline Parks; Clerk, Karen Klos; Supervisor, Bill Winn; Trustee Robert Christian and Trustee, Mark Wittstock. Six audience members.
Motion to approve the June 10th board meeting minutes as presented made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. All in favor, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Treasurer’s report given by Treasurer Parks and accepted as read.
Fire Department report given by Chief Kirkum: said there were 14 runs last month. They have done some training with Armada with the grain rescue tube and the 5” turbo draft – and, the training is going well. They have applied for license for use of glucometer and epi-pens to be used by them (with training). They will be on site for the upcoming tractor pulls at the Lions field and for the boat race in St. Clair. Supervisor Winn mentioned the need to get approval to have secretarial help and to amend the budget for such. A secretary was approved to take care of the backlog of run reports for the last few years (which has been done), but the need is still there for the day-to-day run reporting, maintenance logs, ordering supplies and other daily needs at the station. Motion to approve $10k to be budgeted as requested made by Trustee Wittstock and 2nd by Treasurer Parks. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Planning Commission report given by Trustee Wittstock: they had a meeting, but there was nothing on the agenda and nobody in the audience.
Zoning Board of Appeals report given by Trustee Christian: they will have 2 meetings in the coming month.
Senior report: Exercise every Monday at 11am and cards every Tuesday at noon. Next potluck is 7/23.
Park report: tie-dye date will be scheduled soon.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that approval is needed to stay with Nickel & Saph for our insurance needs. The rates are going up 7% from last year, but they are looking for ways to trim that back down. Motion to stay with Nickel & Saph made by Clerk Klos and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that the park millage from the County this year will be $17,931 – which will give us a total of $56,408 in savings. Part of this will be used to tile the playground and surrounding area before the new playground equipment is installed.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that there is a culvert on Berville Road (south of Hunt) that needs to be replaced at a cost of $4k. Motion to replace the culvert as requested made by Trustee Wittstock and 2nd by Supervisor Winn. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Next, Supervisor Winn mentioned that we have gotten 3 quotes for new playground equipment: $289,034 from St. Clair, $225,000 + 35% for install from Penchura and $200,266 from Kids Gotta Play. Motion to contract Kids Gotta Play and make the 50% deposit as required made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed. This price could go down if the one piece of existing playset is removed and replaced by the parks department.
Finally, Supervisor Winn mentioned that the court case was today for the burned house in Berville. The owner was given 30 days to get it cleaned up or the township has court permission to clear and remove any/all items in the yard and get it back to original grade.
Christian: The street light on Hough Road is still not working.
Wittstock: Nothing further.
Parks: Mentioned that she ordered a new adding machine for her office.
Klos: Mentioned that election workers need to be approved – so moved. Thanked the Fire Department (on behalf of the Berville Lions) for their presence at the fireworks.
Winn: Mentioned that he received a packet of bills today from the Road Commission that will need to be paid. Motion to allow approved bills to be paid made by Clerk Klos and 2nd by Treasurer Parks. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Audience: Question about replacement of Tubspring Road bridge between Cameron and Cochrane answered.
Motion to pay the bills made by Treasurer Parks and 2nd by Clerk Klos. Roll call vote, 5 ayes – motion passed.
Motion to adjourn the July board meeting made by Supervisor Winn and 2nd by Trustee Wittstock. All in favor, 5 ayes – motion passed. Meeting adjourned 8:35pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karen A. Klos, Clerk